Friday, December 14, 2007


If women had no children, there would not be mothers, and there would not be children to call the women mothers. But being that God blessed women with children, regardless of whether the women considered themselves blessed or not, the children were ultimately blessed to receive life in this present world from God. Even though some mothers did/do not care for their children, the mere fact that God used them as an instrument to bring that child into the world is a blessing to the child.

In the old days, we were taught to honor our parents so that our days would be long upon the earth, which is scripture. It would be very hard for some to fulfill that command today, to look past all of the hurt and all of the pain and all of the suffering to be obedient to God. But, if you love God, and want to obey Him, He will make the honor of that parent bearable. It is a sacrifice, because you really want to repay your parent for all of the hurt that was brought upon you, but because you love God so much, you will obey Him and honor them.

To that one I talked to this week, continue to honor your parent because it is a good thing. You will be blessed by the Lord for your obedience. Look to the Lord for your strength and good health. Seek God for wisdom and understanding. Read the word of God and pray. There are a lot of things that we don't understand, and a lot of trouble that we can't figure out why we go through, Trouble don't care who he troubles; but God knows all and is willing to help us through. I am so proud of you for what you have done and what you are doing. You are setting a good example for your children. Don't give up!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


What do you do, when you believe that you haven't done anything to cause someone to mistrust you, but you sense or almost know that the mistrust is there? They haven't said anything to you, in fact, they put on this facade like they do trust you, but you know within your heart that it is a facade. Little things done, little things said, with big meanings (actions speak louder than words). How do you handle someone who secretly has dragged your name down, but openly acts like they haven't done anything, like everything is copastatic. Do you go to them and ask them? Do you just pray for them? Do you allow yourself to get so frustrated that you begin to treat them in a mean way and allow your blood pressure to rise? Or, do you just keep going on being nice to them and hope something will bring it to light?

Saturday, December 1, 2007



What I wouldn't give just to be able to fall asleep. Some nights when I just can't fall asleep, that is the thought that goes through my mind. I toss and turn; get up and back into bed; turn on the tv, turn off the tv; get on the computer, get off the computer; wrestle with the cover and the pillows, still wide awoke. All I want to do is go to sleep!

Now I did all that before I decided to pray. Why is it so difficult to remember to pray first. That is putting trust in everything before going to God and He is not pleased with that because He is a jealous God. God wants me to put Him first in everything.

Now Satan doesn't want me or you to know about God. I can almost guarantee that if on those nights that I was unable to fall asleep, all I needed to do was pick up my bible and begin to read and 'BOOM' the sleep would come down on me. If I go to kneel and pray the same thing, sleep will come quickly. Now, I'm thinking, what if I would have read my bible or prayed for sleep before even getting into bed, I can almost say with a certainty that I would not have had a problem going to sleep.

When Tyanna, my granddaughter, can't sleep, I have her recite with me the 23rd Psalm once or twice and by that time she falls asleep.

If you are having trouble falling to sleep at nights, you too can go to God and pray. Give Him thanks for all He has done for you (He is well pleased with that); then pray for others who are experiencing problems. We have a lot to pray for with all the homelessness, sickness, runaways, those in mourning, those in the nursing homes, in shelters, the aged, the orphans and so on. The list goes on and on. Try praying for those people. Try reading God's word with understanding, then ask Him to help you fall asleep. Then by the time you are ready to go to sleep, peace will be upon you.

If you have been blessed by these words please leave a comment.